Derek Nielsen

Normalized Er Diagram For Student Database


Entity Relationship Diagram Examples

Know it All about ER Diagrams

Do you have a vast database system? Are you having difficulty making the necessary connections between different entities? Well, then ER diagrams are here to help!

What is an ER Diagram?

An ER diagram or Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a type of flowchart or graphical approach that helps you illustrate how different entities relate to each other. It is a standard way of modeling databases and business processes.

Now that you have a general understanding of what ER diagrams are, we will list a few instances where you can draw them. As mentioned above, ER diagrams (or ER Models) are used in database designs and business processes. Some of them are as follows:

  • Database Design: Sometimes while altering the structure of a database, it can be risky to make such massive changes. So, ERDs are the best tool to visualize the ideas, which helps identify the mistakes and correct them before executing the changes.
  • Software Engineering: For an information systems project, ERDs are the first step to determine what is required. It is also used to model a database.
  • Troubleshooting Databases: ER diagrams help you have a complete picture of the database, which helps you easily observe the entities, their attributes, and relationships with others. This then allows you to analyze the existing database and recognize the problems quickly.
  • BPR (Business Process Re-engineering): During Business Process Re-engineering, ER diagrams help you analyze the databases and then model a better database setup.
  • Research: A lot of the research is based on interlinkages and observing relationships between different entities. Thus ER diagrams come in handy in such scenarios as well.


All-in-One Diagram Software

Create more than 280 types of diagrams effortlessly

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  • Superior file compatibility: Import and export drawings to various file formats, such as Visio
  • Cross-platform supported (Windows, Mac, Linux, Web)

ER Diagrams Examples of Common Scenarios

We mentioned a few scenarios where ER diagrams are used. Now, let's look at a few real-life examples of ER diagrams.

1. ER Diagram of Hotel Management System

The ER diagram given below is for a hotel management system. The diagram shows all the entities and the relationships between them. The data is structured and shows all the instruments of database tables.

ER Diagram of Hotel Management System

Entities and their Attributes

The main entities of the Hotel Management System are a hotel, rooms, services, payments, bookings, and customers.

  • Hotel Entity: Attributes are hotel_type, hotel_name, hotel_rent, hotel_ID and hotel_description.
  • Payments Entity: Attributes are payment customer ID, payment_ID, payment_description, payment_date, payment_amount.
  • Customer Entity: Attributes are customer_pass, customer_email, customer_mobile, customer_ID, customer_name, customer_address.
  • Booking Entity: Attributes are booking_description, booking_type, booking_ID.

All the entities are normalized, and the duplicity of records is reduced. Furthermore, there are one-to-one and one-to-many relationships.

2. ER Diagram of Database - University Database

A university database consists of all the information regarding a student. Although such a database is not suitable for a large institution, it illustrates relationships that help resolve queries.

 ER Diagram of University Database

Entities and Attributes

  • Student Entity: Attributes are a name, age, birthplace, birthday, etc.
  • Course Entity: Attributes are course title, course description, credit hours, course teacher.
  • Professor Entity: Attributes are tenure status, job title, name, age.

A student enrolls in many courses, so it's a one-to-many relationship.

3. ER Diagram of Library Management System

The library management system has a database that shows the relationships between the entities such as a book, publisher, and member. Since this is a simple system, it has only three entities. Other systems can be more complex with a more significant number of entities such as staff etc.

ER Diagram of Library Management System

Entities and Attributes

  • Book Entity: It has author, book_ID, title, price, and availability.
  • Publisher Entity: It has publisher_ID, publisher_address, and publisher_name.
  • Member Entity: It has member_ID, member_date, member_type, member_address, member_name, and expiry_date.

In this example, we can again see one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. A member can borrow many books, but only one reader can borrow one book. So, the relationship is 1: Many.

4. ER Diagram of Online Shopping System

The ER diagram given below is for an Online Shopping Management System. The purpose of this ER diagram is to use a database and Java to create a good project.

ER Diagram of Online Shopping

Entities and Attributes

  • Website/Application Entity: Attributes are domain name and app name.
  • Customer Entity: Attributes are username, password, email address, mobile number, country name, district, address, C_id.
  • Products Entity: Attributes are product ID, P_name, P_category, P_price, P_availability.
  • Admin Entity: Attributes are username, password, A_id.
  • Shopping Cart Entity: Attributes are product id, product name, total price, billing products.
  • Registration Entity: Attributes are user id, username, password, forgot password, signup.

We can observe some relationships between the entity and its attributes, such as the entity mobile app and its domain name attribute. This shows that the project head will create the project based on software. Besides, we can also find other relationships between customers and admin, products and admin, etc.

5. ER Diagram of NoSQL Database

Given below is a template for a NoSQL database ER diagram.

ER Diagram of NoSQL

Entities and Attributes

  • Transaction Entity: Attributes are transaction Id, productId, Item Id, customer name, and sale price.
  • Customer Entity: Attributes are customer id, product id, and barcode.
  • Products Entity: Attributes are product id, product name, product brand, product price.
  • Cashier Entity: Attributes are cashier id, cashier name, cashier cell number, cashier social security number, cashier email, and cashier's joining date.

You can observe the relationships between the product and customer and product and transaction. This is a one-to-many relationship. Other relationships include cashier to transaction and transaction to the customer.

6. ER Diagram of One-to-Many Relationship

Following is an example of an ER diagram that is showing a one-to-many relationship.

ER Diagram of One-to-Many Relationship

Entities and Attributes

  • Delivery Entity: Attributes are delivery ID, order ID, type, status, departure, arrival.
  • Customer Entity: Attributes are customer ID, phone, email, customer's address.
  • Payment Entity: Attributes are payment id, payment date, type, order ID, customer ID, total payment.
  • Order Header Entity: Attributes are order ID, order date, order time, and customer ID.
  • Order Line Entity: Attributes are order id, line id, pizza id, and quantity.
  • Pizza Entity: Attributes are pizza id, name, specification, and price.

You can observe the one-to-many relationships such as order time of order header entity is linked to the payment type, payment date, and order id of the payment entity.

7. ER Diagram of Banking System

The ER diagram given below is for the Bank Management System. It illustrates critical information about the bank.

ER Diagram of Banking System

Entities and Attributes

  • Bank Entity: Attributes are bank name, code, and address.
  • Customer Entity: Attributes are customer_id, name, phone number, and customer's address.
  • Branch Entity: Attributes are branch_id, branch name, and branch address.
  • Account Entity: Attributes are account_number, account_type, and account balance.
  • Loan Entity: Attributes are loan_id, loan_type, and loan amount.

You can observe different relationships, such as a branch offering many loans, so 1: N relationship. Other relationships such as M: N can also be observed.

8. ER Diagram of Hospital Management System

The below ER diagram is for a hospital management system. You can see the different entities and how they relate to each other.

ER Diagram of Hospital Management System

Entities and Attributes

  • Patient Entity: Attributes are social security number, name, insurance, date of admission, date of checking out.
  • Doctors Entity: Attributes are dss#, name, specialization.
  • Test Entity: Attributes are test_id, test_name, test date, test time, test result.

You can observe that a doctor treats many patients, and a patient might go to different doctors. It is an M: N relationship. Other relationships can also be observed.

Use EdrawMax for ER Diagram Creation

Drawing an ER diagram is a tiresome and lengthy process. So, we suggest that you use EdrawMax to ease your difficulty. EdrawMax is an excellent ER diagram software for drawing and mapping that makes the process shorter and quicker. You can use a wide variety of entity relationship diagram examples available for free.

As the best alternative to Visio, EdrawMax supports drawing entity relationship diagram, Chen ERD, Martin ERD, Express-G, ORM diagram, database model diagram, etc. By using easy-to-use drawing tools, together with many pre-drawn ER diagram templates and more than 6000 symbols and icons, creating ER diagrams can be amazingly fast and easy.


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Manual For Wood Frame Construction

Тема: Строительство каркасного дома. Книги  (Прочитано 66962 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Mark Richard Miller / Rex Miller, «Audel Carpenters and Builders Math, Plans, and Specifications, All New 7th Edition»
Audel | ISBN 0764571133 | 7 edition (November 19, 2004) | PDF | 3.5 Mb | 384 pages

Алгебра и геометрия плотницкого дела и всякие приблуды по профессии.
Правда, всё в дюймах и футах - но разве это важно?

Хороший справочник.


На выложены две книги:

Атлас деревянных конструкций / К.-Г.Гётц, Д.Хоор, К.Мёлер, Ю.Наттерер; Пер. с нем. Н.И.Александровой; Под ред. В.В.Ермрлова.-М.: Стройиздат, 1985.-272 с., ил.-Перевод изд.: Holzbau Atlas/K-H.Gotz, D.Hoor, K.Mohler, J.Natterer.-Munchen, 1978.

http://www.technopark.spb...asderevkonstrak_part1.rar   19 МБ
http://www.technopark.spb...asderevkonstrak_part2.rar   19 МБ
http://www.technopark.spb...asderevkonstrak_part3.rar    2 МБ

Деревянные конструкции. В.Ф.Иванов, доктор технических наук, профессор;- Государственное издательство Литературы по строительству и архитектуре;- Ленинград-1956-Москва.

http://www.technopark.spb...5-derevkonstrak.part1.rar   19 МБ
http://www.technopark.spb...5-derevkonstrak.part2.rar   16 МБ


Ещё одна книга по плотницкому делу от Audel:

Audel Carpenters and Builders Layout, Foundation, and Framing (Audel Technical Trades Series)

7th Edition
2005 by Wiley Publishing

Пароль на странице - проблемы при извлечении из архива (небольшие).

Книга о том, как применяется плотницкое дело при возведении зданий - опалубка... и тд и тп.
Должна быть в библиотеке.


На натахаус:

Название: Строим сами деревянный дом. Справочное пособие.
Автор: Юрмалайнен П.
Издательство: М.: Стройиздат
Год: 1992
Страниц: 168 с: ил
Формат: PDF & DjVu
Размер: 6MB & 3.09MB
ISBN: 5-274-02037-2
Качество: отличное (OCR)
Язык: русский

Вроде бы книга где-то проскакивала. Но здесь не нашёл.


1. Планирование 4
1.1. Выбор типа дома и планировка участка 4
1.2. Чертежи и чертежные обозначения 12
2. Типы конструкций жилых домов 19
2.1. Основания и фундаменты 19
2.2. Конструкции наружных стен 25
2.3. Кровля и конструкции перекрытий 29
2.4. Пол и конструкции основания 38
2.5. Перегородки 40
2.6. Отопительные приборы, места расположения печей и дымовых труб 43
3. Строительные материалы и изделия 49
3.1. Изделия из бетона и кирпича 49
3.2. Древесина 52
3.3. Тепло- и гидроизоляция 54
3.4. Вяжущие вещества, растворы, бетон и дендироль 57
3.5. Наружные и внутренние облицовочные плиты 60
3.6. Покрытия для стен, крыши и пола 63
4. Бетонные и арматурные работы 67
4.1. Изготовление бетона, растворов, арматуры 67
4.2. Бетонные работы 69
4.3. Арматурные работы 72
5. Плотничные работы 77
5.1. Тип гвоздей и выбор их размера 77
5.2. Разметка строительной площадки на местности 77
5.3. Сооружение опалубки основания 80
5.4. Возведение деревянного каркаса 84
5.5. Сооружение крыши и перекрытий 89
5.6. Внешняя и внутренняя облицовка 99
5.7. Доводочные работы 112
6. Кладка стен, труб, каминов 119
7. Штукатурные и отделочные работы 130
8. Малярные работы 139
9. Водоснабжение, канализация, удаление отходов и мусора 145
10. Работы во дворе и на участке 151
11. Хозяйственные постройки 155
12. Наиболее распространенные ошибки при строительстве деревянных зданий 160
Некоторые строительные термины 165

« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 09, 2011, 03:19:44 pm от Foundry »


Деревянный дом. Каркасные работы от фундамента до крыши.

Год выпуска: 2005
Автор: Кеппо Юхани
Жанр: Ремонт и индивидуальное строительство
Издательство: Алфамер Паблишинг
Серия: Справочники строителя
ISBN: 5-93392-079-7
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 123

Описание: В книге рассматриваются основные вопросы строительства деревянного дома - от изготовления опалубки фундамента до основания крыши и каркасов внутренних стен.
Книга обобщает опыт финских строителей: использовались сведения, предоставленные специалистами-преподавателями, профессиональными строителями, людьми, занимающимися строительством самостоятельно, а также представителями строительной промышленности.
Книгу можно использовать в качестве учебника для начального профессионального обучения, а также как руководство для самостоятельного строительства и при руководстве строительными работами.

« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 10, 2011, 01:24:12 pm от Foundry »


Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Subarist

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Wiley-Blackwell | 2006-08-25 | ISBN: 1405139633 | 256 pages | PDF | 3,3 Mb

Full of detailed construction drawings, this book covers cut roofs, bolted truss roofs, trussed rafter roofs, trimmed openings and ventilation. A major section deals with loft to attic room conversions, giving guidance on planning procedures, as well as dealing with structural matters and specifying conversion work. The Fourth Edition features a new chapter covering the growing number of engineered timber components available in the house building industry. The use of I beams and roof cassettes is detailed for roof and room-in-the-roof construction. The text has been fully updated to current standards and features additional detailed construction drawings. The chapters on attic conversion and construction have been expanded and a new attic conversion decision flow chart added. The book will prove invaluable to architects, house builders, roof carpenters, building control officers, trussed rafter manufacturers and students of building technology.

Очень толковая книга по крышам и перекрытиям.
Рассказано о многих технологиях и материалах.

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Canada Mortgage, Housing Corporation "Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction"
anada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | 1998-07-01 | ISBN: 0660172941 | 303 pages | PDF | 34,5 MB

This handy reference book walks you through the complete construction of a wood frame house, from excavation to the finishing touches. It is the most comprehensive, easy-to-use reference book for the construction of wood-frame houses. Features illustrations tables, plan ahead notes, healthy housing insights to minimize and protect occupants and environment.

Достаточно объёмный справочник со множеством ссылок и выкладок.

« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 09, 2011, 03:12:12 pm от Foundry »


John Banta "Extreme Weather Hits Home: Protecting Your Buildings from Climate Change"
New Society Publishers | 2007-11-01 | ISBN: 0865715939 | 256 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB

We know how to prepare our homes for each seasonal change, but do we know how to prepare for climate change? Violent weather events like floods, tornadoes, ice storms, and hurricanes only tell part of the story. Climate change is frequently more subtle, but its effects on our homes and properties can still be devastating.
Nearly 50 percent of North America has a potential for structural damage from shifting moisture in expansive clay soils, a condition that is already costing billions of dollars each year. Humidity is projected to increase, trapping moisture in wall cavities and resulting in deterioration. As the climate changes and moisture levels adjust, there are a number of proactive steps that can be taken to prevent or lessen expensive repairs.
Extreme Weather is the only book of its kind that shows how to protect your home or business from climate change by focusing on the following areas:
Risk and causal assessment, due to region and soil
Extreme weather's rapid and slow effects
Site, foundation, wall, and roof considerations and modifications
Insurance options
Anticipated changes for the United States, Canada, and Mexico
Our homes are one of the most expensive investments we will ever make. They are also our refuge from the elements, and we must protect them so they can protect us. This book is a valuable resource for all property owners.
John C. Banta is an indoor environmental consultant with twenty years of experience in building biology, building science, and indoor environmental quality.

Roofing Ready Reckoner
190 pages | Wiley; 3 edition (June 29, 2001) | ISBN: 0632057653 | PDF | 630 kb

Now fully revised, the third edition of this renowned book by Ralph Goss has been made even more valuable with the addition of many new illustrations, and takes into account not only traditional cut roof construction but also modern trussed rafter roof assembly methods.
Revised by C.N. Mindham, author of Roof Construction and Loft Conversion, this new edition contains many new drawings of constructional details for which his own book is much acclaimed. Information is now given on wall plate and gable end strapping, wind bracing, truss clips and other roofing metalwork, as well as on the modern tools and instruments necessary to carry out the construction work.
Proven as a book for professionals, the book is now equally suitable for the keen DIY enthusiast as well as the professional. All information is given in both metric and imperial units.

О строительстве домов в различных климатических условиях с учётом возможных рисков.
Вторая - по крышам (в т.ч. с метрическими таблицами).

« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 09, 2011, 02:38:43 pm от Foundry »


« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 03, 2011, 09:00:54 pm от Foundry »


« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 09, 2011, 03:20:52 pm от Foundry »


Mindham "Roof Construction and Loft Conversion" из поста MADg400DnoMAX
на DepositFiles


Свод правил по проектированию и строительству СП 31-105-2002
"Проектирование и строительство энергоэффективных одноквартирных жилых домов с деревянным каркасом"
(одобрен постановлением Госстроя РФ от 14 февраля 2002 г. N 6)



Timber Construction Manual

Книга посвящена вопросам проектирования деревянных конструкций.

В начале книги авторы знакомят читателя с культурными особенности использования дерева как строительного материала, а также с историей применения древесины.

Вторая часть рассказывает о древесине с точки зрения материаловедения: описывается структура древесины, поведение древесины во время усушки, даны текстуры основных пород древесины (дуб, клён, орех, тик и т.д.), даются сведения о пиломатериалах начиная от бревен и заканчивая высоко обработанной древесиной, полимерными и смешанными материалами.

Далее в книге описываются конструктивные особенности применения древесины, приводятся конструктивные схемы, способы борьбы с огнём и всевозможными разрушениями.

Третья часть книги представляет собой атлас деревянных конструкций, где на одной страничке дана конструктивная схема, её краткое описание, фотография реального проекта, выполненного с использованием данной схемы и несколько значимых узлов. Именно эта часть книги говорит о больших и разнообразных возможностях древесины как строительного материала.

В конце книги даются примеры использования древесины как отделочного материала и как материала в составе ограждающих конструкций. Кроме цветных фотографий приведены подробные конструктивные узлы в стиле detail, которые можно смело использовать в собственных проектах.

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Woodpecker from space.

Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: BOOK, Gambs

 Книги по Timber Framing
The Timber Framing Book.pdf
Timberframe Design Guide.pdf
и Практическое руководство Tedd Benson (Building the timber frame house the revival of a forgotten art) в сканах(.jpg)
Находятся здесь


Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: OSN.58, Laftter, A7Sash, dag79, Subarist, Ulibka, сергейс, oknen, Gambs, abdal

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  • Плотницкое дело (Модераторы: BOBz, minjka) »
  • Строительство каркасного дома. Книги


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Bmw E90 Rear Shock Diagram

Can't find your vehicle? Click here.

  • Project Time: 3 hours
  • Tab: $300
  • Talent
  • Tools: Flathead & Phillips screwdrivers, 16mm, 17mm, 8mm sockets. 16mm, 17mm wrenches.
  • Parts Required: Rear shock, rear shock thrust bearing and mounts
  • Performance Gain: Repair faulty rear shock and mounts
  • Complementary Modification: Inspect coil springs

When replacing your rear shocks, always replace them in a pair.

I suggest replacing the lower shock mounts also. The shock mounts tend to wear and fall apart over time. It's better to replace them while you are servicing the shocks than to have to go back to them later. Always replace your shocks in pairs and any associated parts that look worn. You'll want to raise your vehicle high enough to fit a jack under the rear swing arm. This helps when installing new shock into trunk shock tower.

In this tech article, I will go over how to replace the rear shocks on BMW E90 vehicles.

Raise rear of vehicle and support safely on jack stands. See our tech article on jacking up your vehicle. When jacking, get vehicle as high as possible. You will have to be able to fit a hydraulic jack under the rear trailing arm.

Check out our complete Technical Article Directory for guides to many other procedures.

Check out our Basic Maintenance section, which has all the parts you'll need to get your vehicle running its best, including filters, fluids, brakes, spark plugs, lighting, and more for your E90!

Hot tip

Replace one side at a time


Project Photos

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Figure 1 Place a jack stand under the lower control arm. This will support the rear wheel bearing carrier when you remove the rear shock.

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Figure 2 You are going to have to remove a few pieces of the trunk interior trim. Start by pulling out the center solid carpet.

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Figure 3 Next, you will have to remove the trim piece that runs along the latch area of trunk. Start by removing the four plastic rivets. (green arrows)

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Figure 4 To remove the rivets, lever center tab out using a trim panels tool.

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Figure 5 Working in trunk, remove two plastic caps using a small flathead screwdriver. (green arrows)

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Figure 6 With the plastic caps removed, remove the two Phillips head screws. (green arrow) The photo shows left side, right side is the same.

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Figure 7 Lift up trunk trim piece and detach it from luggage hooks. Once detached, remove from trunk.

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Figure 8 Working in trunk, remove three plastic rivets. (green arrows) These rivets secure the carpet to the side of the trunk. Left side shown in photo, removing the right side is similar.

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Figure 9 To remove the rivets, lever center tab out using a trim panel tool.

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Figure 10 Once all trim clips have been removed, pull carpet away from body, start where carpet at trunk side meets carpet at seatback. Pull away until you see shock tower rubber cap. (green arrow)

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Figure 11 Once you have access to shock tower rubber cap, you have to open it to gain access to shock mount nuts. Just pull it up to remove from body.

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Figure 12 Next you have to remove the top shock fastener. (green arrow)

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Figure 13 Working at top of shock, break shock nut free using a 16mm socket. Then, using an 8mm socket and 16mm wrench, remove shock fastener.

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Figure 14 Then remove shock nut with attached washer.

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Figure 15 Next, you have to remove the lower shock fasteners, they attach to the lower swing arm. If you are replacing just the shock, remove the shock nut (green arrow). If you are replacing the shock and the shock mount, remove the two E12 fasteners (yellow arrow).

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Figure 16 To remove the nut, use a 17mm socket to break nut loose. Then remove shock fastener using an 8mm socket and a 17mm wrench. Once the nut is free, you will have to slide wrench in slot in lower swing arm in order to grab the nut.

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Figure 17 Grab top of shock and slowly compress it until you can remove it from the vehicle.

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Figure 18 Inspect lower shock mount and replace if needed. (green arrow)

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Figure 19 Inspect rear shock thrust bearing and replace if needed. (green arrow)

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Figure 20 Assemble new or old shock bump stops and protective cover onto new shock in order shown. Install shock in vehicle, install lower portion of shock first with fasteners finger tight. Then jack on swing arm to raise shock back into trunk. Then install washer with nut and tighten. Then tighten lower shock fastener. Reinstall trunk trim carpet and test drive vehicle.

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